Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year's Resolution Tag....

I would like to give a heartful thanks to my wonderful friend MARIA for sharing this also wonderful tag. I really appreciate this!

New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year. It's a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and resolve to follow through on those changes. Did your New Year's Resolutions make your top twelve list? I personally make a New Year Resolutions tag and wonder what other people have. Here's mine.Now, here's the rules. Once you’ve been tagged by someone, share your list (on your blog) of 12 top list New Year's Resolutions and then tag up to 12 other people who will then post their own lists and tag up to 12 more people. How simple is that.

1.) H ave more wonderful and good friends
2.) A lways help those people in need if I can
3.) P atience
4.) P ray to God all the time
5.) Y earning for peace on earth
6.) N o procrastinating
7.) E at healthy and eat right
8.) W elcome new ideas for a better knowledge in the future
9.) Y ield to learn
10.) E liminate all my problems and worrisomes
11.) A lways look back, so I know where I'm going (thoughts)....
12.) R emember to laugh all the time!
Now, it's time to share this to all my wonderful blogger friends! You are welcome to grab this anytime. Thank you all so much for always visiting my blog.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Got More Awards!

This was given by CECILLE and AMIABLE AMY , these two friends of mine are very sweet who always come to visit my blog and also leaves some comments as well as messages. They always shares some informations that some bloggers might wanna know about day to day living, foods, family, friends, places specially about life.

Thank you so much for both of you for this wonderful tag! I would like to share this to DONABEL , MAUS , SHEILA , and SHY . Grab it anytime and also, whoever wants to
post this tag is welcome!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Bloomin' Onion

Rack of Lamb

King Crab Legs and Sirloin Mixed Grill

Ceasar Salad

Coco-Berry Smoothie

Birthday treat!

My birthday celebration is always fun because the whole world was celebrating to welcome the new year! On that day in the evening my family went out for dinner in Outback Steakhouse to enjoy our meals.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Spending time with family and friends are just wonderful to celebrate the New Year! We were having such a good time from seven in the New Years Eve until three in the morning. Hope you all do have a fantastic moment!