There are times that I went out for a walk in our neighborhood early afternoon. Just looking at the wonderful places where mother nature lies itself and look amazing around me. I've seen deers running and jumping around in groups or eating green grasses outside. The things that I liked about my neighbors were when they stared at me in wonder if I'm going to make a move in pursuing them while I just stood still and watched them or took

a picture for my collections. The bears were always the one that excites me most because I'd never seen these creatures in my whole life when I'm still back home and never expect to see them outside my house with a cubs and it's mothers or just by
themselves. They liked to eat and stored some of their foods to get ready for the hibernation when winter comes. Sometimes I've seen them in groups as many as four while playing or searching for food in our neighborhood. One morning when I was about to go outside to get some fresh air and thought to drink my coffee and eat my cinnamon roll there while setting on the reclined chair, I saw a bear that was on top of my car. I run into our bedroom to woke my husband, so he can make the bear come down from the top of our car and was hoping that the bear won't break the car because of its huge body. The black bear did came down and run away because they are more scared of us than we are of them.