Friday, October 3, 2008

The Debate 2008

Last night most people around the globe were focused in Washington University in St. Louis watching the vice presidential debate that was moderated by Gwen Ifill. Everyone was very interested and curious about Gov. Sarah Palin, a republican candidate and Sen. Joe Biden, a democratic candidate of their answers about the foreign and domestic topics and they did squared off on stage. After watching the debate, I'd say Gov. Sarah Palin whose republican running mate of Sen. John McCain did very well, so as Sen. Joe Biden, democratic running mate of Senator Barrack Obama. She is very intelligent, focused and straight to the point of how she want to make a difference and be a part of congress to save our country from the crisis that we are in. For all the pressure she's been through specially when some people thinks that she's not qualified enough to be president, she is still very strong and confident. Everyone was wondering who is going to win this coming November election, so people start taking polls survey of who has a lot of points and a chance to win. Well, hopefully people will vote wisely.

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