Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cute Blogger and Power Blogger Awards

This tag award is from my friend DANAH - The Dawn That Shines

The rules are:1. Each blogger must post this rules 2. You need to choose ten people to be awarded and list their names 3. Don`t forget to leave them comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog [soon!]

Sharing means being a good friend, that's why I would like to share this to all my friends specially: ANNAHAYES - The Train Thoughts , AMY - Business Matters : Anything that involves around it , JEI - All about my life.., and JANE - Life Is What You Make IT .


Anonymous said...

oyyy...i just saw this today, thanks... i will post it tomorrow though..thanks for remembering

Anonymous said...

thanks for this award..now is your turn to get yours...visit my blog okay?