Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy 2009!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Lose Weight
After trying to lose weight for several years I finally almost did it! My goal was to lose at least fifteen to twenty pounds this year. With the holidays going on for the time being it's hard for me not to devour the delighted foods that was prepared in the table. Exercising everyday helps me regulate my body and maintaining a diet meals and it is not easy, so my husband told me to stick on my plan or everything I worked for will be for nothing. I watched a television few days ago about how to lose weight during holiday season and they stated that in order to not gain a pound we need to avoid the desserts, plan the foods that we want or really like to eat, try not to drink a lot of eggnog and eat something before going to a party or dinner with a family and friends that way we don't have to eat everything whatever the foods offered in the table. This is really driving me insane and told myself that I can do this! Thinking about all the garments that I have in my closet that seems a waste because they won't fit anymore and I don't want to end up keep buying all the time especially with this economy.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Our Celebrations!

Christmas is not complete without a nice memento, so what I started doing three years ago was to have a wonderful portrait of my family. One day I thought that it would be beautiful to have my daughter or the whole family photo taken with Santa Claus, but every time she's beside Mr. Claus she started screaming and crying because she was frightened with it's massive beard and until now we never get that picture taken with Mr. Claus. What I did since then was for me and my daughter wear a santa suit to get that fantastic memento with my husband every year. She was very excited every time we do this because she knows it's time to open the presents.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Spread The Love Award

This is really a cute tag.... When I open my blog today CECILLE shared this one that just made my day! I love receiving tags because I love my friends as well through the blogging world because I learned something from them each day.
That's why I would like to share this to all my friends.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Four Days Before Christmas!
People were so excited because Christmas is almost here! My daughter and I continued our shopping list for Christmas yesterday because most of the outlet mall were on their biggest sale. She was having fun because she gets more princesses toys for herself whenever she sees one. Christmas is not all about presents, it's about the joy and happiness you shared to someone you loved.
Always remember that presents were appreciated, but to be in presence whether you don't have anything to give were more appreciated to share the spirits of Christmas.
Merry Christmas everyone and God bless you all!
Always remember that presents were appreciated, but to be in presence whether you don't have anything to give were more appreciated to share the spirits of Christmas.
Merry Christmas everyone and God bless you all!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Getting Sick
It's easy to get sick when a person is so stressed out and not having good sleep especially this season of the year. My husband and my daughter this past few days has been sick. My daughter has been coughing, having diarrhea and a fever while my husband has been weak lately for not having good rest and working too hard in order to provide. Letting him a few days of relaxation in bed would be just fine then he will felt better again. It's worrisome whenever your loved ones got sick at the same time specially when you felt helpless. My daughter has been visiting her pediatrician several times lately and that got me worried because her cough has been going on for a few months now and keep coming back, so I give her a medication as needed as what her pediatrician suggested until her cough gets better. When her diarrhea was gone, that makes me feel better especially when she only has that fever for a day and hoping that her cough will be gone completely soon.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Vacation Goes Bizarre
Last year, some of the people that I thought I can call my friends that I meet and only known here were planning to get away for a few days. They told me to organized the whole trip and ask a favor if we can use our van for traveling down the road, so I agreed because they promised to put some money for the gas and told me that I don't have to contribute for it since we are using our van. On the day of our trip, I sensed something was wrong because some of them were acting b----y to me. No matter what I say about something whatever our topic was were all wrong and they always misunderstood it or changed it to something ridiculous. Through the days that we spent on our vacation, I felt I was bullied and wondering what did I do wrong or why do they act like that? Realizing and hoping that I never took that vacation with them. That way, our friendship still remains without hesitations until now or maybe it's for my own best also to know their deliberately characterized behaviour against me, so I will know to choose the people that I can call a friend.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
This past two weeks seems very long and unusual here in GA because of the never ending downpour of rains and the risings of the temperatures while some states have a snow storm. My husband came home every night from work uttering about the heavy fog he encountered down the road. While the road becomes dangerous to drive around, it feels good to just stay inside the house to watch something from the television. Some people do likes to eat when their inside their comfortable shelter specially when it's raining or just want to cuddle in their beds.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Thank You Anne!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The DR's
I started watching this new shows of The Dr's lately because it is very interesting and informative. The show is all about diseases, surgeries, different illnesses and what you need to be aware of about your health. They also talked about some information that people needs to know in regards to a better health. While watching this show several times, I've learned so much about how the body works and reacts to different medications and some treatments. This is really a good show and at the same time educative.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Amazing Blogger Award

I would like to share this opportunity to appreciate all my friends with this wonderful tag specially MAUS , UMMA , AMY , NINA , and JENNY .
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
A Perfect Anniversary Date!

Last night we went to the revolving Sun Dial Restaurant, Bar and with a panoramic view for our dinner date that started with an appetizer, crab and scallop fondue truffle parmesan crostini with a white chocolate mudslide.

Our entree was 8 oz beef tenderloin with black winter truffle butter, baby carrots, haricots verts, mashed potatoes and cabernet sauce.

This was another mouth watering 16 oz angus beef cowboy ribeye with the sides of mustard herb butter, barbeque roasted potatoes, brussel sprouts and cauliflower gratinee. Our entree was also served with a glass of margartini to soothen the exquisite foods.

When we finished our main entree, the dessert was also the most awaited delight to satisfy a date with my sweetheart, so we ordered a madagascar vanilla bean creme brulee to finish up the wonderful evening.
Everyday has been something special to us, but the day our hearts became one is something more to celebrate.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Everytime I'm with my daughter spending a quality time together, I've been noticing that she loves to dance and sing. Since she's been watching Sleeping Beauty almost many times as possible, she already know how to sing it's featured song which is kind a cute. Whenever she wears something pretty and elegant, she always dances around and I thought that this is some kind of a good talent for her age and her voice is acceptable as well.
Monday, December 8, 2008
What Are You Thankful For This Year?

Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don't know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you're tired and weary
Because it means you've made a difference.
GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles and they can become your blessings.
Below are the seven (7) reasons to be thankful for this year:
1. That I live my life to it's fullest.
2. For my husband and daughter for the love they showed me.
3. That I am losing a little bit of my baby fats (lol).
4. That I started advancing my knowledge more and more each day.
5. That my family are in good health inspites of the economic crisis.
6. That I can still help my family and loved ones back home in any possible way to make them happy.
7. That I found some good friends everywhere.
And I'm also thanking God for everything that he's done for me throughout each year!
While I'm still keep thanking my blessings every single day to our Lord, I would like to share this to everyone in my friends list, so no matter how busy they are of lots of things they will have time to post this to their own world of blogging. Thank you all!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Christmas Tree

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Thanks AnneHayes - Train
This is a tag from my newly found friend ANNAHAYES . Thanks dear for this wonderful smile award.
10 Things that Brighten My Day
1.) Sweet kisses from my husband and my daughter early in the morning
2.) Have a cup of coffee
3.) Surfing online
4.) Reading Clive Cusslers book
5.) Relaxing
6.) Taking my time shopping just by myself
7.) Going out with my family
8.) Making money everyday
9.) Have a long and lazy day with my husband watching a dvd movies or having a good conversation
10.) Partying with my friends
I would like to share this to AMIABLE AMY , CECILLE - Small and Simple Things..., FAYE , UMMA and SHY .
This is the rules:
1. Write about 10 Things that Brighten Your Day.
2. Put the award logo on your blog.
3. Add the link of the person who gave this award.
4. Nominate at least 5 person.
5. Leave message to the nominees.
1. Write about 10 Things that Brighten Your Day.
2. Put the award logo on your blog.
3. Add the link of the person who gave this award.
4. Nominate at least 5 person.
5. Leave message to the nominees.
10 Things that Brighten My Day
1.) Sweet kisses from my husband and my daughter early in the morning
2.) Have a cup of coffee
3.) Surfing online
4.) Reading Clive Cusslers book
5.) Relaxing
6.) Taking my time shopping just by myself
7.) Going out with my family
8.) Making money everyday
9.) Have a long and lazy day with my husband watching a dvd movies or having a good conversation
10.) Partying with my friends
I would like to share this to AMIABLE AMY , CECILLE - Small and Simple Things..., FAYE , UMMA and SHY .
Friday, December 5, 2008
Holiday Cards

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
First Snow

My daughter was having fun with the snow here up in North Georgia the other day. When she woke up she just want to go directly outside and play, so I changed her clothes to a proper clothing so she won't get cold. She and her daddy were playing for an hour and doesn't seem to care about the fre
ezing temperature while I was inside by the door taking pictures of her.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Shot On The Spot!

Here are the rules:
1) Take a picture of yourself right NOW!
2) DON'T change your clothes, DON'T fix your hair... Just take a picture.
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
5)Tag 10 people to do this.
I would like to tag ANNAHAYES - The Train Thoughts , GHE - sweet memories, JONLYNX - Philippines vs. Brunei Darussalam , MARIZYLLE - Salt & Pepper, MARVZ18 - Marvz18 ,
MAUS - Around Nature Spring , MAYBEL - No Place Like Home , NICE - the will of the wind , and SHEILA - A Blessed Life.
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Smile Stone Award

There are so many things and reasons that make me smile, the simplest things that make me happy and here are my top ten:
1.) I am smiling because I know God is always there for me.
2.) My family is one of the reason that I smile everyday.
3.) I'm smiling everytime I make a good deed towards others.
4.) I am smiling because Christmas is here!
5.) I am smiling whenever there is peace on Earth!
6.) I am smiling because my husband always tells me that he loves me everyday.
7.) I am smiling because I'm thankful for the blessings that the Lord God Almighty showered upon me and my family everyday.
8.) I'm smiling because I see the beauty of day and night.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Last night was very stranged because I've been having a bad dream the whole night and keep startling every time it woke me up. I was having probably five nightmares in just one night, which is weird because that's too much for me to handle. When I feel very stress or feeling weary during the day, I always get a horrible and unexplainable dream at night that will made me want to run. In my dream my feet was glued to the ground, so I can't even moved then when it woke me up beads of perspiration was all over my face.
It has been said in one of the article that a dream is a succession of images, sounds, and feeling experienced while sleeping, particularly strongly associated with rapid eye movement sleep. The contents and biological purposes are not fully understood though they have been a topic of speculation and interests throughout history.
It has been said in one of the article that a dream is a succession of images, sounds, and feeling experienced while sleeping, particularly strongly associated with rapid eye movement sleep. The contents and biological purposes are not fully understood though they have been a topic of speculation and interests throughout history.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Blog Love Award
Thank you so much my dear DANAH - The Dawn That Shines for the wonderful tag.
Now, let's spread Blog Love and here's what you need to do:
~~Start Here~~

1. Put the logo in your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who shared it with you.
3. Pass this award to your Blog Lover Friends
4. Add your link to the list of participants below
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
Blog Lovers: 1. Soul Anchor 2. Cookie's Corner 3. Life is Good and Beautiful 4. DANAH - The Dawn That Shines5. THE WORLD AROUND ME 6. YOU! Next...
~~End Here~~
Now, let's spread Blog Love and here's what you need to do:
~~Start Here~~

1. Put the logo in your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who shared it with you.
3. Pass this award to your Blog Lover Friends
4. Add your link to the list of participants below
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
Blog Lovers: 1. Soul Anchor 2. Cookie's Corner 3. Life is Good and Beautiful 4. DANAH - The Dawn That Shines5. THE WORLD AROUND ME 6. YOU! Next...
~~End Here~~
Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Anniversary!
The happiest day of my life is when I'm married to my wonderful and sincere husband. Still in love since the day I met him because of the unconditional love that we both shares. Today seems not enough for both us so we decided to let our parents watch our daughter while we went out to spend the day together. We started our day just holding in each other's arms with a breakfast in bed and later today we went out doing some shopping, pampering each other for a couple's massage and then went back home to take our daughter with us for our dinner reservation at the Sun Dial Restaurant her in Atlanta. It's the first time I've been to this very elegant restaurant where my husband sets a reservation to surprised me. It has a panoramic view of the city and it rotates as well for everyone to see every angle of the mesmerizing city. The ambiance is very romantic and soothing as well as indulging because of the varieties of menu that you can order including with a tasty glass of wine. I'm not a wine fanatic, but chardonnay will do for the lovely evening.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving To All!
This is one of my favorite holiday of the year! Celebrating with gratitude to God Almighty for all the blessings that we possess. Indulging and sharing the traditions of foods with our family and loved ones. A few members of our family who lived closer will be spending time with us and will be rendezvoused tomorrow at my parents-in-laws who lived next house. I just loved this occasions because I got to see and meet most of the family again.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Dining Out
I loved to cook specially for my family, but sometimes dining out shared some more special bonding with the relationships as well as to strengthened the love for each other. Doesn't mean we dined out it's just about spending, but it's about a moment that we are going to treassure. Even a simple things can make it worth a million of happiness just to be with my family.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
There are times that my husband told me that he needs to spend more time with our daughter because it seems to him that they never got a bonding moment together. Every time he wakes up in the morning he always misses our daughter because she's at school around eight o' clock in a regular basis. My husband's schedule was different, so when he gets home at night our daughter was asleep most of the time. He decided to changed his days-off so he can spent time with our daughter where both of them were just at home and enjoying the family time.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Do you believe in horoscopes? There are times that we wonder if we want to agree with the theories of what is emphasized in regards of a person's future depending on which month a person is born. The funny thing is when we started to think about the zodiac signs which is based on such aspects of the planets and the stars at a given moment, it seemed to manipulates our minds. Whenever we read the stated predictions of our futures according to the symbols of our birth, it gives us some kind of mixed emotions specially a feeling of being skeptical. We might even follow the directions of what is written on that signs, or thought that its just impossible to happen. In facts, we are the one who makes our own paths or future. Whatever we believed for the good benefits to ourselves, it's really up to us which way we choose to happen.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Christmas Village

putting our little christmas village together.

While I'm trying to figure out where to put each buildings on an area, she sprinkled the snow everywhere to make it looked like it snowing and she was having a blasts.

Yes, she helped me putting it up and more curious of what am I going to let her do next on the settings of our village.

Thursday, November 20, 2008
More Awards....Anyone?

Lemonade indeed, is a refreshing drink! Everytime I drink this it gives me energy for the day and I feel more alert. It's just the way how it affects me that's why I'm thankful for my friend AMIABLE AMY and ANNAHAYES - The Train Thoughts for sharing this tags and overwhelming award.
Marie Antoinette is a lovely woman and once was the queen of France.

I really appreciate all this wonderful tags, so I'm going to share this to everyone!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Banana Bread

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Early X'mas Gifts

Monday, November 17, 2008
Friendship Tag
And lovely are the blossoms
That are tended with great care,
By those who work unselfishly
To make the place more fair.
And, like the garden blossoms,
Friendship's flower grows more sweet
When watched and tended carefully
By those we know and meet.
And, if the seed of friendship
Is planted deep and true
And watched with understanding,
Friendship's flower will bloom for you
I would like to tag all of my friends specially: CECILLE - Small and Simple Things... , EUNICE - , JENNY - Jenny and Belle and ROSILIE - ROSILIE: My Blog .
That are tended with great care,
By those who work unselfishly
To make the place more fair.
And, like the garden blossoms,
Friendship's flower grows more sweet
When watched and tended carefully
By those we know and meet.
And, if the seed of friendship
Is planted deep and true
And watched with understanding,
Friendship's flower will bloom for you
I would like to tag all of my friends specially: CECILLE - Small and Simple Things... , EUNICE - , JENNY - Jenny and Belle and ROSILIE - ROSILIE: My Blog .
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Shopping with In-Law
My mother-in-law likes to buy us a lot of stuff specially for my daughter which is seem kind of her only grandchild. She has two grown up grandchildren, but they never seen them that often because they live from farther states of united states. Her other granddaughter now lives in New Jersey with her new job and the grandson was now in Florida just finishing high school this year. So far, my daughter and her Lola are pretty much close to each other. Her Lola likes to indulged her with so much things like I've never seen before in my life while I was a kid which is very nice of her. They are just such a lovely in-laws and I'm very much grateful for them to be part of our family and I just can't ask for more, but be thankful.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Dense Fog
Yesterday morning when I took my daughter to school, densed fog everywhere creeping along the road.

Certainly have a feeling of doubts of sadness and unexplanation of emotions that seems to hauled me into another dimensions of the earth.

Whenever I was in the middle of the road when the fog emerged, I thought of the magical things around me that intermingled with evil which was defeated later on by the light.

I have an imaginative mind that's why I like to take pictures of everything that mesmerizes me.

Certainly have a feeling of doubts of sadness and unexplanation of emotions that seems to hauled me into another dimensions of the earth.

Whenever I was in the middle of the road when the fog emerged, I thought of the magical things around me that intermingled with evil which was defeated later on by the light.

I have an imaginative mind that's why I like to take pictures of everything that mesmerizes me.

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